
Pantheon - The Artisan of War


Melee AD-Caster


Pantheon is a melee "AD-Caster" who does incredibly high damage with his spells on very short time. He is also able to assassinate (and immobilize) his enemies with Aegis of Zeonia (W). These two factors make him, in my opinion, one of the greatest Anti-Carries in League of Legends. Some think that Pantheon is not as Anti-Carryish after his remake, but I think he is!


Aegis Protection (Pas.): After attacking or casting spells 4 times, Pantheon will block the next incoming basic attack or turret attack.

Spear Shot (Q): Pantheon hurls his spear at an opponent, dealing 65/105/145/185/225 (+140% AD) physical damage.

Aegis of Zeonia (W): Pantheon leaps at the target enemy champion and deals 50/75/100/125/150 (+100% AP) magic damage and stuns them for 1 second. Pantheon also instantly refreshes his Aegis Protection.

Heartseeker Strike (E): Passive: Pantheon's basic attacks and Spear Shot gain 100% critical strike chance against targets below 15% health.
Active: Pantheon focuses and deals 3 swift strikes in front of him for 13/23/33/43/53 (+60% AD) physical damage per strike. Deals double damage to champions.

Grand Skyfall (R): Pantheon gathers his strength and then leaps high into the air, crashing down at the target area a few seconds later. Deals up to 400/700/1000 (100% AP) magic damage to units at the center (down to 50% at the edge) and slows their Movement Speed by 35% for 1 second.


 Ability info:

Spearshot (Q): Spearshot is primarily used for harrasing in lanes and is often your main damage source in early game. Spearshot is also really great for picking up kills, because it - due to te passive from Heartseeker Strike (E) - will crit if the target enemy is below 15% health.

Aegis of Zeonia (W), is in the laning phase used to stun your your enemy, so you easily can use Heartseeker Strike (E), to take down your opponents HP. In teamfights, is AoZ great for initiation, because it instantly activates Aegis Protection, which will give you a higer chance of surviving, and give your team a bit more time to engage without you dying!

Heartseeker Strike (E): Heartseeker Strike is your main damage source in mid/late game. It deals double damage to champions, so don't get fooled by the low numbers! It works incredibly well together with Aegis of Zeonia (W), as the stun makes you practically unable to miss Heartseeker Strike!

Grand Skyfall (R): Grand Skyfall is, if used correctly, one of the best teamfight-initiation ultimates in the whole game... But it can be really hard to use correctly. It is also great for ganks and for protecting buildings.

Summoner spells:

Jungle: I would not recommed jungling with Pantheon
Solo Lane/Mid: Flash/Clarity
Duo-Lane with support: Flash/ignite
Duo-Lane with else: Flash/Clarity or Flash/Ignite


Armor Penetration/Mana Regeneration

If you choose Clarity as one of your summoner spells, you will not need Mana Regeneration runes. Else you do! Spearshot (Q) uses so incredibly much mana early/mid game! If you picked Clarity, then go for some Armor Penetration! Armor Penetration is so great with Pantheon, 'cause bot Spearshot and Heartseeker Strike (Pantheons two main damage sources) is dealing physical damage! 

Ability Sequence:

Pick Spearshot at level 1 and max it first!
At level 2 pick Aegis of Zeonia and max it last.
Pick Heartseeker Strike at level 3 and max it last.
Pick Grand Skyfall whenever possible!


When playing Anti-Carry Pantheon, the only thing you should care about is dealing alot of damage, and  then escape. 
If you follw this build, you will be able to do this just perfect!

Boots of Speed >> 3 Healthpots >> Dorans Blade >> Dorans Blade >> The Brutalizer >> Mercurys Treads >> The Bloodthirster >> Warmogs Armor >> Atmas Impaler >> Youmuu's Ghostblade >> Infinity Edge

Pros / Cons

+ Deals a lot damage very fast
+ Durable due to Aegis Protection (Pas.) Built in teleport Great
+ Great initiator
+ Great Solo laner
- No built-in escape mechanism
- Item and team dependent
- Grand Skyfall is hard to use properly
- Uses mana really fast


Laning phase:
Try to lasthit as much as possible, and keep poking your enemy with Spearshot (Q)! (This is VERY important, and the only reason you should pick Clarity!) Between level 3-10 harass (and eventually kill) the enemy with the following combo: W-E-Q, and then run back. Aegis Protection (Pas.) will protect you against a counter-attack! (it is activated with W) Always remember that you have an advantage when Aegis Protection (Pas.) is active!
After level 6, you can gank other lanes with Grand Skyfall (R), immidiately followed by the W-E-Q combo!

Pantheons primary goal is to kill the enemy carry whatever it takes, but still try not to die doing it!
If you are out of your enemies vision, but they are in yours, then initiate with Grand Skyfall (Try to hit as many enemies as possible. But the most important is that you hit your target!) Then follow up with WEQ, and run back! If needed then use Flash (after Aegis Protection is used!) and/or Youmuu's Ghostblade (If you have bought it) If this starts a team fight, then move on to the next target! Use Q whenever possible (Remember Heartseeker Strike's passive!), and use W and E on the most dangerous enemy!

Late game:
Do what you have always done (WEQ).


Overall i think that Pantheon is one of the strongest AD-Casters in LoL
He is really fun and isn't really hard to play. But what makes a difference between a good and a bad Pantheon player is that the good player is able to use Grand Skyfall (R) correctly. This will require some practise, but when you get it, you will kick ass! 


Far above the clouds on Mount Targon resides a stalwart tribe of people known as the Rakkor who still revere combat and war as ultimate artforms. They remember the Rune Wars of Runeterra and know that the League of Legends can only repress the rising tides of violence for so long. Each member of the tribe is bred to be a disciplined and vicious warrior, preferring to battle soldiers of either the Noxian or Demacian armies only when outnumbered at least ten to one. Rakkor warriors are trained not only to be as lethal with their bare hands as the most capable martial artists, but also to fiercely wield the many relic-weapons of the tribe. Such treasures have been handed down from generation to generation, and have harnessed the mystical nature of Runeterra in their very cores. These relic-weapons are among the most dangerous in existence - and it comes as no surprise that they have found their way to the League of Legends in the hands of Pantheon.

This stone-faced warrior is a paragon of his people, his very existence an anthem of exultation to the art of combat. Pantheon found it insulting that the people of Valoran would install an organization to replace war, complete with so-called champions, without including the Rakkor. Gathering the blessings of his tribe and armed with the relics of his ancestors, he has descended on the League to show the world a true warrior. He cares not who he fights, and cares nothing for the pageantry or prestige of a League champion, but lives only for the austere glory of battle. As long as Pantheon breathes, he thirsts for another foe to vanquish.

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